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A warm welcome to the journal's new Editor-in-Chief, Professor Francisco (Paco) Chinesta!

Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences welcomes collections of articles relating to an area of research formally decided upon by the Editorial team within the scope of the journal and the research community of advanced modeling and simulation of materials at large. The journal enthusiastically invites authors to submit their applicable work to our collections, which have an ongoing call for papers.

Collections with ongoing calls for papers, as well as previous collections, are listed in our Collections section.

To best illustrate the type of research that Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences publishes, you can look at the most read and cited articles by the community. The following three articles have been the most cited from the journal since 2022:

Aims and Scope

The research topics addressed by Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences (AMSES) cover the vast domain of the advanced modeling and simulation of materials, processes and structures governed by the laws of mechanics. The emphasis is on advanced and innovative modeling approaches and numerical strategies. 

Read the full Aims and Scope here.

Farewell and Welcome - a new Editor-in-Chief!

New Content Item

We would like to extend a warm welcome to the new Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, Professor Francisco (Paco) Chinesta!

Francisco (Paco) Chinesta is full professor at Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology in Paris. He has a recognized expertise in hybrid modelling (physics-based and data-driven), allying physics, applied mathematics and artificial intelligence, the main components of the so-called hybrid twin, with more than 400 journal articles.  He received many scientific awards (IACM Fellow, IACM Zienkiewicz award, ESAFORM, …). He is also honorary fellow of the “Institut Universitaire de France”, fellow of the Spanish Royal Academy, Honoris Causa Doctorate from the University of Zaragoza, Silver Medal of the French CNRS, ... He is the Director of the DESCARTES that CNRS develops in its hub in Singapore, on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence for Decision Making in Critical Urban Systems.

We would also like to say farewell and express our thanks to our previous EiC, Professor Pierre Ladevèze, for his expertise, support and commitment in developing the journal. He will assume the role of an Honorary Editor on the editorial board of AMOS.

Article Processing Charge (APC) Paying Options

The following are the APC payment options that authors can take upon the submission to Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences. The option has to be selected at the time of a manuscript submission and follow up actions to the selection will take place if the review decision of the submission is decided as “Accepted for publication”. 

Option 1: SpringerOpen Fee Waiver request

Authors from low income countries or from SpringerOpen Membership institutions will be able to separately request waivers or discounts in Editorial Manager.

Option 2: Author self-paying APC

The authors will pay the full charge of APC of their manuscript (EUR 1590; USD 1790; GBP 1140 per paper). Self-paying authors will do so through Editorial Manager.

Option 3: Computational Structural Mechanics Association (CSMA) Fee Coverage Request

There is a full fee sponsorship offered by CSMA for select Special Issue and Review articles. Please note that this not the same as requesting a waiver (see Option 1).

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Reflecting and anticipating the future of computational mechanics
Edited by: Francisco Chinesta, Charbel Farhat, Peter Wriggers, David Néron 

Recent advances in Fourier-based computational approaches for PDEs
Edited by: Faisal Amlani, Niema M. Pahlevan, Carlos Pérez-Arancibia


Advances in Machine Learning and Computational Mechanics
Edited by: Beatriz Moya, Alberto Badías, Chady Gnatios, Giovanni Stabile, Olga Mula

On the quest of constitutive models and extraction of material parameters from full-field measurements
Edited by: Pedro Camanho, François Hild, Stephan Hartmann

Model reduction: past, present and future
Edited by: David Néron, Chinesta Francisco, Pierre Ladevèze


Efficient strategies for surrogate-based optimization including multifidelity and reduced-order models
Edited by: Pierre-Alain Boucard, Piotr Breitkopf, Stefanie Reese, Pierre Duysinx

Data-Based Engineering and Computation
Edited by: Elias Cueto, Francisco Chinesta, Charbel Farhat, Pierre Ladeveze, and Francisco Javier Montans


Data Assimilation in Computational Mechanics – Recent Advances and New Trends
Edited by: Ludovic Chamoin, Andrea Manzoni, and Karen Veroy-Grepl

NAFEMS 2019 World Congress Edition
Edited by: Francisco Chinesta, James Wood, and Ian Symington

Recent Developments in Unfitted Finite Element Methods: Numerical Analysis, High-Performance Adaptive Solution Algorithms and Advanced Digital Pipelines
Edited by: Pierre Kerfriden, Susanne Claus, André Massing, and Dominik Schillinger

State-of-the-Art  Model Order Reduction and Its Applications in 2020
Edited by: David Néron, Elias Cueto, Yvon Maday, and Gianluigi Rozza

Computational Modeling of Complex Materials Across the Scales
Edited by: Julien Yvonnet, Paul Steinmann, Marc Geers, and Andrew McBride

Interface Modeling and Simulation in Polycrystalline Materials
Edited by: Claude Fressengeas, Stéphane Berbenni, and Ricardo Lebensohn

Advanced Plate and Shell Models
Edited by: Erasmo Carrera and Francisco Chinesta


Advances in Model Order Reduction Techniques
Edited by: Pierre Ladeveze, Francisco Chinesta and Tomas Chacon Rebollo


Non-intrusive computational techniques and related methods
Edited by: Olivier Allix and Armando Duarte

Towards new paradigms for time integrators in computational dynamic
Edited by: Anthony Gravouil 

Computational fracture and failure of materials and structures
Edited by: Olivier Allix and Nicolas Moës

Unfitted techniques in computational mechanics
Edited by: Riccardo Rossi and Alessandro Reali


Model order reduction: POD, PGD and reduced bases
Edited by: Francisco Chinesta, Pierre Ladeveze, and Yvon Maday


Computational mechanics and medicine
Edited by: Bernhard Schrefler and Elias Cueto

Simulation techniques for process modeling
Edited by: Stefanie Reese andTon van den Boogaard

Computational Rheology
Edited by: Roland Keunings and Francisco Chinesta

Verification and validation for and with reduced order modeling
Edited by: Pedro Diez andLudovic Chamoin

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Annual Journal Metrics - 2021

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 2.0
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: N/A
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.243
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.741

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 26
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 190

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 267,810
    Altmetric mentions: 8

    Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences is indexed in ACM Digital Library, Baidu, CLOCKSS, CNKI, CNPIEC, DBLP, DOAJ, Dimensions, EBSCO, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Gale, Google Scholar, INIS Atomindex, INSPEC, Naver, OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, Portico, ProQuest, SCImago, SCOPUS, TD Net Discovery Service, UGC-CARE List (India), Wanfang