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Table 5 Mean of the total reconstruction RMSRE (\(\cdot 10^{-2}\)) using a full basis (\(K=149\)) over 5 training sets of the pure bending model

From: Evaluation of POD based surrogate models of fields resulting from nonlinear FEM simulations


Strain (\(\upvarepsilon \))

Stress (\(\upsigma \))

Zero centered

16.676 (14.236\(-\) 20.854)

5.980 (5.240\(-\) 6.584)

Zero centered, scaled

1.586 (1.340\(-\) 1.928)

6.104 (5.209\(-\) 6.951)

Zero centered, separate

0.717 (0.465\(-\) 1.187)

6.052 (5.275\(-\) 6.583)

Zero centered, assembly from \(\upvarepsilon \)

0.717 (0.465\(-\) 1.187)

7.904 (6.496\(-\) 9.138)

Zero centered, assembly from \(\sigma \)

16.410 (14.837\(-\) 18.275)

6.052 (5.275\(-\) 6.583)

  1. Best performances are in italics, between brackets the minimum and maximum values over the five training sets are given