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Table 2 Numerical complexity of the standard KLE and the conditioned KLE

From: Large scale random fields generation using localized Karhunen–Loève expansion


Standard KLE

Conditioned KLE

Kernel modal decomposition

\(\mathcal {O}((n_sM)^{3d})\)

\(\mathcal {O}(n_s^{3d})\)

Conditioning matrices computation

\(\mathcal {O}(N^3(3^d-1)^3)\)

Random field sampling

\(\mathcal {O}(n_s^d M^{2d} N)\)

\(\mathcal {O}((n_sM)^dN)\)

  1. Non-tensorizable covariance kernel. \(n_s\) number of discretization steps of a segment of length L, M number of prolongations in one direction, d dimension, N total number of retained KLE terms for \(M=1\)