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Table 1 Solution scheme of FEPOD

From: Displacement-based multiscale modeling of fiber-reinforced composites by means of proper orthogonal decomposition







Set up RVE


Apply predefined idenpendent deformation states


Run and save solutions for each case


Calculate subspace for each RVE separately


1. Set up macroscopic model


   Geometry, boundary conditions


Initialize RVEs


   FE discretization


Load subspace


   Set RVEs for each material


2. Run simulation


   Loop time or load step


      Apply load increment


   Loop Newton iteration


   Loop elements


   Loop material points


      Calculate \({\mathbf F}_M\)


      Load history variables


\(\Rightarrow \)

Calculate boundary conditions for RVE


Solve RVE with POD reduction


If convergence is reached:


   Calculate \({\mathbf P}_M\)


   Calculate \({\mathbf C}_M\)


    Save local history variables globally


      Store \({\mathbf P}_M\), \({\mathbf C}_M\) and history

\(\Leftarrow \)


   End (material points)


   End (elements)


      Global assembling


      Check convergence


      If converged: BREAK


   End (Newton iteration)


   Update displacements


   End (time/load step)
